EXOSKY Planets Intro

EXOSKY Planets is a tool for Unreal Engine 5 used to generate full-scale and realistic planets using the Unreal Engine Material Graph.

An aerial view of a fully explorable and seamless* planet generated using 3D Gradient Noise, created with the EXOSKY Planets Plugin

If you are seeing this, welcome to the documentation for the EXOSKY Planets Plugin! Keep in mind, this plugin and the documentation going alongside it are in ongoing development, and both may be prone to frequent change and issues.

The plugin currently provides the ability to create full-scale planets with 64-bit precision emulation on the GPU in real-time. The creation and designing of planets are done through the Unreal Engine Material Graph to provide much greater control, resolution, speed, and iteration time than most commercial CPU-based terrain generation solutions.

Procedural crater noise mixed with height-maps to provide a rocky, barren planet.
Splatted terrain maps generated from GAEA
High-precision rigid multi-fractal 3D gradient noise

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