Layers Usage
Information specifically on layers.
What is a "Layer", and what is it used for?
Layers act as a "layer" of information being provided to your terrain. They can be used to generate data used in a Render Material or overwrite the original Generator. Another example would be making biomes or texturing information with them. They should only be used for low resolution or low bit depth situations like rendering.
Layers will execute in order. Each Layer has the ability to access layers previous to it. To do this, you create a Texture Sample or Texture Object with the name of your Layer.
More channels for a layer will mean more memory used.
Layers Setup
When hitting the "+" button across from Layers in your planet details panel, you will be greeted with a not-so-welcoming text box with a dropdown.
This is how you add a layer. When you click the dropdown next to the name, the settings of the layer will be revealed. The text box titled "Name" will be the name of your layer. There should be no duplicates, and the name box should not be left blank. This is where you set your Generator material, layer format, pixels per face, and mipmap settings for your layer. All of these settings will be unique to the layer.
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